Monday, February 05, 2007

JCreator crashes

At work, I use JBuilder for coding Java applications. I'm looking for a nice Java IDE to use at home. JBuilder is ok, but I thought I would try something new (and hopefully cheaper - the Developer version of JBuilder is $400).

One of the main features that I'm looking for is code completion. I hunted around and saw heaps of praise for JCreator, so I downloaded the Pro version (the version which has code completion). I started it up and began to create a project, but the thing almost immediately crashed. After starting it up again, I tinkered with some settings, but upon attempting to open a simple source file, the thing crashed again. At this point I cannot get the JCreator to open a .java source file! I'm using Windows XP, and I assume many of JCreator's users have that OS. So what gives?

I went to the JCreator support form to file a bug report. When I hit the submit button, I saw the contents of the .cgi file handling the POST. Yikes; this is a bad sign. How good can their support be if they don't handle form submissions correctly? As a last resort I sent an email to their support address. I don't have a good feeling about this.

As a temporary workaround, I downloaded JEdit. No code completion, but the thing is a quick download and maybe it'll be sufficient for what I want. I should probably try Eclipse, but my previous experience with that IDE was not altogether positive.


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