Friday, March 03, 2006

One blogger's experience with OpenLaszlo

Michael Sica of Ataraxis Software blogs about his OpenLaszlo experience. Even though his list of "bad" things is lengthier than his list of "good" things, the "good" thing which really nails it is the fact that OpenLaszlo runs in the Flash player. You just can't beat that.

I totally get his complaint about the parent trap (parent.parent.parent). It is very nasty to hardcode stuff like that; when you move a component one level down or up you have to redo everything. But I don't think this is an OpenLaszlo problem per se; I recall having a similar experience with a C# application that I maintained a couple of years ago.

On a side note, you see code in OpenLaszlo components with documentation like "this component expects to be in a bla component". The class then refers to its parent with the assumption that the parent is an instance of bla. That kind of thing makes me unhappy. I'm not a component developer, though; maybe there's no way around it.


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